haven't updated for a looooongggg time. yeah. seldom coming online these days. and if i do, i'm actually doing work. rest of the time spent on watching tv and esp these few days olympics!!!
gained another kg. pathetic shit right. fell sick last night but was okay today alrdy. so went to do LA. yes! we got quite alot done for once.
ruixin's gate was locked today. both sides! and we had to climb over the gate to get out of the apartment cause ruixin was not answering her hp -.- all of us climbed, even me okay! including leon, yongsheng and terence. only nick did not ;( aww mannn
friday was cool! cross-country in the morning,
filming in the afternoon,
and CLASS OUTING (BBQ) at night!
yeah i know everyone is waiting for me (hopefully) to update about our cool day(:
my number for the competitive run is 321 :D my positioning was sucky larh ><>
stupid justin who was 321 too had position 123. the number is cool yeah. but he could do MUCH better and everyone was expecting more from him. but it's kay, we got 3rd in class event anw :D which is cool alrdy :D in a team consisting of me, jasmine, ruixin, xintong, justin, junkai, junjie and terence. (and junjie was listening to music and sms-ing while he ran) -.-

me and mrs romans with mr leong! serenada :D jealous anootttxzxz

some of 3F girls :D

angeline, ruixin, me and angela :D

ruixin, me and angela!
FILMINGfilming that day was super super cool. (talking about the part where the underwear flew in)CLASS OUTING
mr teo (: bbq-ing food for us(: in nick's apartment

in justin's house. ruixin, serena and junjie.
serena in janson's shirt.

girls ;D who went early(: before any of us got drunk.

yes i drink. and mrs romans want to also

see i told you she wanted to

joy, serena and me with mr yap (:

me with budeee

camwhoring with serena!

junjie, justin, ruixin and me (:
class outing was a blast! (thougha couple of girls got drunk) and all of us went crazy though we weren't drunk yet and stuff. haha.
bbq-ed at nick's house, went crazy and made the guys take photos with us and stuff. they thought that we were crazy
played truth or dare, and i got dared to go in the pool and got myself drenched.
i was shivering like hell when i came up.
like that wasn't bad enough, justin and serena had to push me down again
went to justin's house and watched wwe and played with budee and watched stepup2 after that.
serena so zhong4se4qing1you3 larh. i offered her my house she chose to stayover at justin's instead. eeyer.
chinese project now. anw class outing was sooo cool :D and we should have a girl's sleepover soon!