Monday, July 23, 2007

I shall update since dilys wants me to update =D I am currently in rou's house doing IDMI. Wrong. They are doing IDMI. I am slacking >.< And all of us are hungry as we smell nice food =(

I have japanese ct later. But i am still at point zero. Die. I am ready to fail this round as usual. Well..

IDMI is sian. I don't like IDMI. It's not as slack as last year.

I still <3 my clay buddies who play clay with me yesterday in school.
And i also <3 my ice cream and ball buddies.

I have the MOST childhood yay! Chloe have the least childhood, followed by irene, then boon. They cannot eat ice cream properly >.<

They are also my ball buddies. And me and irene shall own boon and chloe in bball though they are hell lot taller than us :D

Clay is fun but dirty. We shall own =D

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