Thursday, March 20, 2008

Good Friday Eve

i was always crazy over aaron but ruixin and carrie can knows why i'm so random to be so obsessed all of a sudden (:

Tomorrow is Good Friday. But i guess i would not be going to church. There are like little catholic churches in Singapore i guess. As compared to Christian churches and stuff. Plus there are alot of filipinos that are actually catholic. Those who come to Singapore and work, alot of them. So i would not be going to church and stand outside the chapel cause i cannot go in due to overconjestion.

So, ruixin would be coming to my house to mug at 10am :D At 3, we would be meeting the rest of the chinese project group at her house, and hopefully, no, we MUST finish it by tomorrow. it is like due next tuesday! must perform leeehhhh.

And feng lao shi says that she is going to record it down. Gosh. My voice sounds horrible recorded. Worse than it already is. And there are people saying that my voice is high pitched at times. Imagine my voice being high that day and record down.. DAMN HORRIBLE LEH. ;((

i finally changed my skin (:

i am aching all over

i need a shopping trip like NOW?

gosh. i guess there's something wrong with me recently. i can just start crying for no reason and pms like crazy. i think it might be because of stress, or because i lack sleep and pms plus stuff. i should stop getting pissed and showing my attitude plus black face to people for no reason. sorry and thanks for putting up with me everyone :D

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