Well, I shall update my blog. I am totally not supposed to use my comp. I am like doing MOV thingo. Essay. I just finished. Well, since my mum is not seeing, and is outing enjoying her ndp show, i should just blog too =D
Okay. Whatever. I am not a least bit happy okay. Sian. I read 300 pages of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince that Jade lent me this after noon. =D
Some photos
Yarh. I don't think i can go for the match tmr though.
Yesterday went to sch in my red op shirt that i just bought for the celebration and lent yingying a shirt too. I wore when i was like p5. Okay. Shall not niao her liaw.
Long stupid retarded flag raising ceremony.
LONG fire drill. Damn it.
The concert was not bad. Nurul and Keely came. And both of them got damn good figure. Damn it. I need a body transplant eh. Eh, i want Nurul's one, she taller. But her legs too skinny. Okay. I want Keely's one.
I look so damn fat next to her. =(
Thn after school did science, then went with carrie to buona vista mrt and wait for nenque. Went to some plaza which i forgotten the name for lunch and neos.
Went to queensway and we each bought a FBT each. Carrie bought blue and white curve. Me and nenque bought black and white dri-fit curved. Both of them got medium and i got small. Then we went to try. Carrie told me that it was too big. But small is like the smallest size liaw. Okay larh. I small sized can. compared to them. i admit. >.<
After that went to marina square. Wanted to play bowling one. Then have to wait for like 1 hour. So went to kbox instead. Okay. Both of them heard my ducky voice larh >.<>
I want to watch JAY CHOU MOVIE. But i'm grounded. And ytd sang jay chou song, we were trying to act man and ended up laughing like no one's business. -.-
Well, matched against SNTT. i played with weiqi and lost like 0-3. carrie played against joven. lost 1-3. Doubles carrie and nenque lost 0-3 to lydia and weiqi.
Took a train back with carrie. Got home about 11pm. I haven't talked to my dad since last night. He was angry. Well, both my parents did not scream at me. My mum nagged a little. But i know that my dad had not been mad at me since i was like p2, when i lost my way and made him worry, and i totally got a big shock. Okay. Its not nice for my dad to be angry, he is very scary when he is.
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